Friends of Elementary Arts, Inc.


Updates on art and music in our communities!


Fan of the Arts Blog

There are many exciting creative things happening in our community everyday!

This blog will serve as an immediate link between us and our community as we relay announcements, stories, thoughts and events happening within arts and music education.

We love suggestions! If you'd like to see us highlight someone or something enhancing art and music education, please let us know!


Nine Thousand

That is the amount raised from the 10th Annual Musical Chairs Fundraiser.


Broken down that is:

1 generous donation from New York

5 tables standing in new corners

5 handmade books with 5 new owners

8 mirrors with new walls to hang from

10 chairs with new cabooses to hold

13 boxes protecting new treasures

23 tiny houses living in new, bigger homes

25 elementary schools that can participate in field trips to the Samuel P. Harn Museum and Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts

50+ art and music teachers that can introduce new projects to enhance their curriculums

51 unique artists that dedicated their time

2,000 five to 12 year old hearts, given the gift of arts education.

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, and again:

THANK YOU to all the volunteers, friends, families and community members who came and celebrated ten years of advocacy for elementary arts and music education!

A special thank you goes to our MC Rob Hyatt, the Gainesville Fine Arts Association for hosting us, Sweetberries for feeding us, the girls of Sigma Alpha Iota Fraternity for volunteering, Mayor Lauren Poe for serving us in more ways than one, and the generous donation from Katie Levy and our new New York Friends at Gander, Inc.

For our biggest and most successful event to date, we introduced new art pieces and inducted new local artists, who donated their time and skills for our cause. As we gear up for the Amazing Give and embark on the next chapter of FEA, we are developing innovative ways to connect and grow our community base.

Be sure to send us your thoughts and follow us on Facebook for volunteering opportunities and event updates!