Why We Give
“Instead of taking away, more (fine arts) classes should be added.
In 2008, the State of Florida and Alachua County Public Schools reduced budgets, causing a 50% decline in funding for elementary art and music programs in Alachua County public schools.
In response, a community rallied behind a grass-roots effort to keep elementary arts and music programs in Alachua County public school curriculums–raising $90,000.00 within two weeks.
The funds were deposited with the Community Foundation of North Central Florida–known then as the Gainesville Community Foundation–and an advisory board was created.
On June 15 2012, that advisory board created the Friends of Elementary Arts, Inc.
From our inception to today, Friends of Elementary Arts gives for the sole purpose of having elementary arts and music education as a part of a complete education for Alachua County elementary students.
Below are a few clippings that were our call to action–click on any of them to be redirected to their original posting for further reading!
We hope they speak to you today as much as they did to us 10 years ago.