Friends of Elementary Arts, Inc.


Updates on art and music in our communities!


Fan of the Arts Blog

There are many exciting creative things happening in our community everyday!

This blog will serve as an immediate link between us and our community as we relay announcements, stories, thoughts and events happening within arts and music education.

We love suggestions! If you'd like to see us highlight someone or something enhancing art and music education, please let us know!


Sylvia McIntyre

Here are before and after shots of Sylvia McIntyre’s table “Crook, Riparian”.

Note from the artist:

“One of my favorite themes for art involves local flora and fauna around our water sources. I used dried plant material and decorative birds, butterflies and a nest.  The pond and fish are acrylic paint and varnished. The Apple Snail shell is real. The snail body is paper maché.”